
A little bit about me… I am Jeannette Dailey and I am married to my best friend and we have two children. Ally who is 21 and Andrew who 18. I have a full time job outside of playing with cardstock and ink; I work from home as a Statistician/Credentialing Specialist for a doctor’s office based out of Las Vegas.

family pic 2017
I have been a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator since 2008. I was introduced to Stampin’ Up! after I went to a workshop held by a friend. I joined a stamp club shortly after that workshop. I fell in love with getting together with friends once a month and stamping. When the club term was up, I signed up to be a demonstrator.

I have monthly classes now and have met some amazing friends. Paper crafting to me is more that just putting ink on cardstock, it is about creating art with each piece of cardstock.

I would love for you to join my Dailey Creations team. As a hobby stamper you would earn discounts on products that you love. That is the reason I started and now I am building a part time business from it. But the BEST part is the people I meet.

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